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Conquer Addiction is a 501(c)3 nonprofit with one mission:

to help more individuals recover from addiction


We aim to help millions more people recover from addiction by 2030 by:    

1.  Helping families find the rehabs with the best verified success rates

Born out of our family's frustration in having to make life-and-death decisions about which rehab to send our teenage alcoholic daughter to without knowing how effective its treatment was, we're thrilled to finally be able to provide families with the research data they need to find excellent rehabs.  Enter what you're looking for in a rehab and see a list of rehabs that have invested in PROVING that their treatment works.

2.  Sharing the latest research about what helps individuals recover from addiction

For such a common and life-threatening disease, there is an astounding shortage of research-based recommendations for what families and individuals struggling with addiction can do to improve the likelihood of recovery.  This is partly a function of the fact that it wasn't until 2018 that more than a handful of rehabs started following up with their patients after treatment to learn whether they were achieving their recovery objectives or were back abusing drugs or alcohol.  But it is also true that a lot of research being conducted is either paid for by pharmaceutical companies or focuses on esoteric issues such as the neurological impacts of addiction rather than the practical information people need to increase their chances of recovery.  Conquer Addiction's Recovery Insights newsletterblog and Q&A pages aim to fill this critical gap.  

3.  Bringing Accountability & Transparency to Addiction Treatment through the Conquer Addiction Moonshot

The Moonshot aims to help millions more people recover from addiction by 2030 by (a) identifying the type of treatment most likely to be successful for specific individuals based on their drug use history and other factors; (b) helping individuals find effective treatment of that type; and (c) ensuring their health insurance gives them a fighting chance to recover by covering a sufficient amount of such treatment.   Learn more.  



Interested in what led Joanna Conti and her daughter, Karina Schultheis, to create Conquer Addiction?  Here are our stories:  

Karina’s Story
As the years passed, alcohol changed from an occasional treat that made an evening more fun to something I craved every minute of the day. I knew my drinking was slowly killing me, but I had reached a point where the only thing I was living for was alcohol.
Good-Bye to Alcohol

Dear Alcohol,

I think I was in love with you long before we ever had the chance to meet. I remember watching you cavort with my parents, the pretty popular girls in the movies, the beautiful women in the commercials and magazines. You brought so much joy to their faces, laughter to the room, glitter to the dullness…

Joanna’s Story
There are few things as horrifying as watching someone you dearly love lose themselves in alcohol or drugs. As your heart breaks, you’re thrown into a world beyond anything you’ve ever imagined and where the stakes are life or death.
Terror of Discovering

“We’re airlifting your daughter to shock trauma”, said the paramedic on the phone. “Is she going to be OK?” I asked, barely able to speak. “There’s a lot of blood” was the response and the line went dead.

Up until that moment, it had been a wonderful Sunday afternoon...

We are incredibly blessed that our story has a happy ending – Karina was eventually able to stop drinking entirely in 2013 and stay sober. As a result, she’s now happily married with two adorable daughters and a successful career. But it took more than five years of alcohol poisoning, car accidents, and multiple attempts at treatment to get here. We created Conquer Addiction to provide the information we wish we had had at the start of this journey in the hope that it helps your family more easily navigate the treacherous journey to recovery.

Joanna Karina & Milana in Positano

Three generations in Positano, Italy in 2015

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Jessica Brown
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Christine Suhan
Joanna Conti
Karina Schultheis

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